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贴片钽电容方波是一个无穷级数的正弦波的总和在所有的基本方波的奇次谐波频率。在直接工作电压的 贴片电容不得超出的应用正峰值的总和A.C.电压和在偏置电压。在一个A.C.应用程序产生的热量在贴片电容通过双方的A.C.分量信号(这将取决于后的信号形式,幅度和频率),并经直流漏电流。
实际功率耗散在电容使用以下公式计算:P = I 2 R和重新安排,以我= SQRT(P / R的).....(式1)其中RMS纹波电流,安培R =等效串联电阻,欧姆U = RMS纹波电压,伏P =功率消耗,瓦Z =阻抗,欧姆,频率,下考虑最大A.C.纹波电压(UMAX)。所有这些贴片钽电容测量在FR4板,没有其他的散热。
SMD tantalum capacitors square wave is a sum of an infinite series of sinewaves in all basic odd harmonics of the square wave frequency. In the directoperating voltage chip capacitors shall not exceed the sum of the application of positive peak AC voltage and the bias voltage in Washington. In an ACapplication of heat generated in the chip capacitors through both the ACcomponent of the signal (this will depend on the signal form, amplitude andfrequency), and by the DC leakage current.
SMD tantalum capacitors maximum ripple voltage but has been proven to be hot tantalum article management a comb, a thermal chip tantalum capacitors very different depending on how it is installed. A piece of equipment will be designed to pass through different amplitude sine square wave current bias capacitor. The temperature rise of the capacitor body, and the infrared sensor. This ensures that no heat loss through any thermocouple surface of the capacitor.
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Actual power dissipation in the capacitor using the following formula: P = I 2 Rand rearranged to I = SQRT (P / R's) ..... (Equation 1) where the RMS rippleurrent, amps R = Equivalent series resistance, ohm U = RMS ripple voltage,volts P = power consumption, watts Z = impedance, ohms, frequency, next consider the maximum AC ripple voltage (UMAX). All of these capacitance measurements on FR4 board, no other heat.